The N community was born in 2004, and has since developed and extensive amount of content, which has often been scattered in the forums and lost to time, much of it is irrecoverable. This content includes tools (for highscoring, mapping, fangames, webtools, and others), webpages (forums, chats, wikis, etc), documents (spreadsheets, graphs, mappacks, lists, etc)...
I'm Eddy, I've been a part of this community since 2007 and I've been accumulating resources ever since. At one point I realized my N folder had grown to be historically significant and contained many lost files. So I set up this page with a triple objective in mind:
- As a one stop to find any resource, even when you already know them.
- For people to find resources they didn't know about.
- For historical preservation.
- If you want to get in touch with the N community, nowadays we hang in Discord.
- Traditionally, we used to hang in the Forums.
- If you feel like a resource is missing and want to get in touch with me personally, my gmail account is
edlucasma . - For more possible ways (both current and old) to contact the community, visit the Websites section.
- This website and most of its content is brought to you by Eddy.
- Thanks to Paradox Dragon for providing a load of additional N resources.
- Website style shamelessly adapted from the great videogame mapper Ian Albert.